Going Green: Ensure a sustainable future for paper
1 November 2023
4 minute read

Across the business world, there is a strong momentum toward adopting green practices to ensure a sustainable future. ‘Growth’ is now ‘Green Growth’, which means economic growth and development while ensuring a sustainable use of renewable resources that everyone depends on.
Green practices can reduce undesirable climate change effects, such as global warming. They’re also vital for improving biodiversity, nature conservation and well-being of humankind.
For example, Orient Paper has set strong environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) goals to help ensure a sustainable future for paper.
Aiming high
Orient Paper is setting strong ESG goals and encouraging stakeholders, both within and outside the organization to adopt green practices. Following are our goals
Beginning at the grassroots
Any transformation, whether it is global, national or organisational level, begins at the grassroots – the communities. Orient Paper has a strong legacy of responsible leadership in community development. Our goal is the inclusive growth of the community via sustainable agro-forestry, water harvesting, smart schools and holistic community development.
Our outreach programs aim at complete economic transformation of 1,089 villages through over a thousand self-help groups (SHGs). Across these locations, 75% are households are marginalized tribals and over 90,000 are smallholder families. In all, work we do brings positive impact to almost 4,50,000 lives.
We have enhanced our support for traditional farm forestry. Apart from encouraging the plantation of fast-growing pulpwood trees, we provide technical and financial support, and assured buyback of wood on maturity- all aimed at supporting the holistic development of farmers. We achieve this through the partnership with ASA and the Heartfulness Foundation for environmental development, and the socio-economic and spiritual development of farmers.
Boosting farmer livelihoods
With our help, around 50,000 farmers are set to double their income through multi-cropping, farm plantation, and increase in crop productivity.
To date Orient Paper has added over 1,60,000 acres of barren land under pulpwood plantations, across 2,000 villages with 17,000 farmers. We plan to increase it by an additional 2,00,000 acres, across more than 3,000 villages and aim to benefit over 1,00,000 farmers.
We aim to bring about the following benefits to farmers across the villages.
Current numbers | 5-year target | |
Income | ₹ 20,000/acre of land | Over ₹ 1,00,000/acre of land |
Irrigation | 8% of lands | Over 35% of lands |
Organic farming | Negligible number of farmers | 15,000 farmers |
In large parts of the country, the heavy commissions charged by middle-men means that farmers often end up making less money than what their crops are worth. To ensure that the farmers receive the maximum benefits, we support them with credible market linkages for selling their produce at fair prices.
Achieving Zero-waste
Orient Paper aims to be water-positive by FY25. Among our current achievements is attaining a Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) status with advanced wastewater treatment technologies to purify and recycle virtually all of the wastewater produced during the manufacturing process.
Water produced from the ZLD process is clean and suitable for use in irrigation. We use this water for ash quenching, wood log washing and in our 400-acre+ company plantation. We also contribute to the community via watershed management activities.
Empowering communities
Our aim is to reduce social inequality and improve the Human Development Index (HDI) of the communities we work in. Women empowerment is a cause we strongly support, and over 10,000 women have benefitted from the SHGs we support.
Additionally, we provide easy access to micro-credit and enable project planning and coordination for MNEREGA funds.
Not only are we aiming to bring positive economic changes to the communities, but we have also introduced heartfulness practices to help lead a stress-free life. Over 3,500 members of the community have started their spiritual journey with our Heartfulness drive.
Orient Paper’s ongoing efforts to enable school education has witnessed school enrolments increase by over 75,000 children since 1963, including over 34,000 girl students.
In FY22 alone, we helped over 28,000 patients avail specialized medical facilities and ensured the supply of 4,28,000 litres of potable water/day for our local community.
Guiding light for the industry
Orient Paper’s commitment to a greener, more sustainable future is evident in all our practices. Our business objectives are aligned with broader global societal and environmental goals. By continuing to champion green initiatives, we aim to serve as a beacon for industries worldwide, showcasing that sustainability and business growth can, indeed, go hand in hand.