Mission Khushi: Our commitment
to customer happiness

15 November, 2023

4 minute read

When we are spoken about in the industry or by our customers, it is often about the high quality of our paper, whether it is for writing, printing, or tissue. Behind this goodwill for Orient Paper, is a strong commitment to customer satisfaction.

We are now taking this further and undergoing a transformation at our mills, in our mindset and most importantly, in our processes. We are going from simply offering products to providing comprehensive solutions that meet our customers’ unique needs and challenges.

One key initiative in this endeavour is “Mission Khushi”.

Crafting a customer-centric culture

The goal of any customer-centric organisation is to craft a positive experience at every stage of a customer journey to help build loyalty and advocacy. Every decision is thought through keeping customer delight as a priority.

With that thought in mind, we launched Mission Khushi. We are proud to say that the singular focus of Mission Khushi is customer-centricity, and this involves a shift in mindset and how we do things. Customer delight is an important parameter of our transformation journey.

Customer centricity: Our three-pronged approach

In its most basic definition, customer centricity involves putting the customer at the centre of all business decisions. This means aligning all marketing processes and activities with the aim of maximum customer satisfaction.

Mission Khushi takes this further and combines customer-centricity with a zero-defect approach to the quality of our paper solutions. We are embracing a shift in mindset and a three-pronged strategy that is simple yet transformative – listen, learn, and act on customer feedback.

We Listen:

We listen to what our customers have to say about our paper products and solutions. Embracing their perspectives helps us understand how we can better fulfill their needs and goals with our solutions.

We Learn:

We learn from feedback. More than just data for Orient Paper, every piece of feedback is a lesson on shaping a superior solution. It guides us on how to tweak, adjust and perfect our paper.

We Act:

We’re quick on our feet. Using what we have learned, we roll out enhanced paper solutions, aiming to elevate customer delight every single time.

But how do we check if Mission Khushi is going in the right direction? We rely on bundles of metrics.

Continuous measurement of success

Metrics are core to steering customer-satisfaction initiatives in the right direction. They provide a way to quantify the progress towards customer-focused goals, identify areas for improvement, measure the effectiveness of efforts and align goals across the organisation.

Mission Khushi will use Advocacy measures to assess how much our customers will refer our brand. That’s the first step. The next is to find out WHY the customer gave the Advocacy measure that they did. The score and the reasoning is captured in the Mission Khushi system and is available for the entire team to see. These are then picked up by necessary functions who discuss the findings in groups and decide appropriate action. Once the action is taken, the customer is again listened to, the Advocacy score is checked and the cycle continues.

Realising Mission Khushi’s goals

With Mission Khushi, we are smoothening processes, cutting down glitches and keeping every single promise made to customers. In the bigger picture, we are also raising the competency of all our teams to tackle any future market challenges and ensure a loyal customer base.

  • Getting real-time feedback:We simply listen to the voice of our customers. Getting feedback when their experience is still fresh with our solutions ensures we are aligned perfectly with their needs.
  • Collaborating across functions: We harness the expertise of different teams across Orient Paper. With diverse skills and knowledge at our disposal, we find out-of-the-box solutions, tackle tricky challenges, and hit our targets with ease.
  • Linking actions to outcomes: Our actions pave the way for greater customer trust, brand visibility and reputation.
  • Measuring the impact of actions: With tools like the Advocacy Score, we get a clear picture of WHERE we stand when it comes to customer referral and, more importantly, WHY and WHAT we can do better.
  • Sharing best practices: We thrive on perpetual learning and setting the bar high when it comes to ensuring customer delight. By sharing insights across the organization, we ensure a consistent, delightful experience for all our customers.
  • A future fuelled by ‘Khushi’

    At the end of the day, Mission Khushi is more than just a strategy for Orient Paper. it is our promise to ourselves and to our customers. It represents our unwavering dedication to providing value-driven paper solutions and a genuine effort to build deeper connections with our customers.

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