Digital transformation: Creating our path to purposeful progress

18th November, 2023

4 minute read

At Orient Paper, we are committed to fostering sustainable growth, purpose-driven operations, and advancement for our customers, colleagues, and communities. In the current agile yet fragile business landscape, digital transformation is critical to attaining these goals.

Digital Transformation represents our strategic technology roadmap. Grounded in the 3 Ps – Planet, People, and Purpose, it will serve as the compass for long-term success. At Orient Paper, our emphasis is on seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technologies with revamped operations propelling us forward on our transformative journey. This vision outlines four key focus areas where we plan to synergise innovative technologies with reimagined processes.

A connected paper factory – smart factory

Our objective is to transform our manufacturing facility by transitioning it into a smart and connected factory through the adoption of digital technology. This is aimed at facilitating the seamless data gathering and sharing of information among individuals, IoT sensors, and machines.

The connected factory will incorporate automated data collection and analytics frameworks, offering unified and real-time insights into various aspects such as paper production costs, raw material utilisation, and even the chemical composition of raw materials. Comprehensive data accessibility will empower us. It will provide real-time visibility into our processes. It will enable us to optimise production processes, reduce production costs, and enhance the overall quality and productivity of our products.

Moreover, we’re collaborating with leading vendors to incorporate cutting-edge innovations into our operations. These partnerships are pivotal in enhancing our production efficiency, supply chain management, and overall business processes. By combining our industry expertise with the latest technological solutions, we’re setting new standards in the paper industry and driving forward our vision of sustainable, customer-focused growth.

On our digital transformation journey, we proudly introduced ‘Mission Khushi’ with a unique Net Promoter Score (NPS) framework, symbolising our dedication to customer satisfaction. It places customer feedback at the forefront of our business strategy, reinforcing our dedication to their needs and preferences.

A digitally enabled integrated paper supply chain

As part of our digital transformation strategy, we aim to streamline our supply chain digitally. This will enhance our ability to forecast paper demand, identify challenges, minimise lead times, and proactively address potential delays.

Our end-to-end automated supply chain will cover planning, procurement, and inventory management for both raw materials and finished paper products, as well as distribution networks for efficient delivery. For instance, in the procurement of wood pulp, we employ contract farming to ensure top quality and timely sourcing. Digitising this process involves geo-tagging farm plots, monitoring farm yield, facilitating seamless registration and integration of farmer records, and streamlining payments transactions. This is key to fostering smooth coordination between the various departments.

Utilising cloud-based solutions for data storage and retrieval, we will implement advanced analytics & IoT to enhance planning accuracy. Intelligent and intuitive automation will render our processes self-organised, agile and flexible. It will optimise resource allocation, improve production capacity management, and increase shipment accuracy.

Overall, a digitally enhanced supply chain will empower us to reduce operational costs, exceed customer expectations, and maintain a competitive edge in the paper industry.

Customer centricity at the core

It’s a well-known fact that typically 48% of customers worldwide have switched brands due to customer service and 34% due to changing needs. These figures increase to 62% and 50% for customers in India, respectively [1].

With customers having higher expectations, evolving needs, and multiple options, we understand the criticality of providing connected, cohesive, customer-centric experiences along with top-quality products and services. Customer experience will remain central to our digital transformation strategy, and we will leverage technology to:

  • Connect with B2B customers, dealers, and partners across different digital touchpoints for our Product and Services insights and collect Net Promoter Score (NPS).
  • Use various insights structured and unstructured data, customer feedback, social media listening and analytical insights to sense the pulse of customer needs and requirements. identify new market segments, and launch innovative products and services with much informed data sets.
  • Utilise advanced data analytics, machine learning and data science technologies to understand buyer behaviour, churning, buying patterns, industry and segment offerings, to craft suitable product and marketing strategies and guide decision-making for business retention and growth.
  • The 3 stages of our roadmap

    At Orient Paper, our digital transformation roadmap can be divided into three stages:

  • The first stage will focus on machine data acquisition and establishing a central command centre. Sensors will collect critical operational data to provide access to intuitive dashboards and reports to run smooth day-to-day operations.
  • The second stage will utilise the collected data sets for advanced analytical insights, enabling us informed decisions to optimise manufacturing processes and operations.
  • Finally, we envision the adoption of AI and ML within our operations such that intelligent automation and data-driven insights become intrinsic to our operational excellence.
  • In embarking on the digital transformation journey, our goal is to establish a self-organised, integrated, and intelligent system. Once complete, our connected and smart factory at Amlai, Madhya Pradesh will transform communication, collaboration, and business transactions among internal and external stakeholders across the entire value chain, positioning ourselves at the forefront of the paper industry.

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