Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
- Appointment of Head – Engineering and Projects – SMP
- Order passed by the Tehshildar of Burhar Tehshil, District – Shahdol (M. P.)
- Resignation by a Senior Management Personnel – 17.08.2024
- Appointment of Head – Finance & Accounts
- Outcome of Board Meeting for the qtr ended 31-03-2024
- Change in management – Appointment of Chief Financial Officer
- TDS on Final Dividend pay-out for the FY 2023-24
- Intimation for launch of new website
- Disclosure pursuant to Regulation 30(5) Of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
- Resignation by a Senior Management Personnel
- Outcome of Board Meeting for the qtr ended 30-06-2024
- Outcome of Board Meeting for the qtr ended 31-03-2023
- Share Transfer to IEPF – NOTICE
- TDS on Final Dividend pay-out for the FY 2022-23
- Appointment of Chief Human Resource Officer
- Outcome of Board Meeting for the qtr ended 30-06-2023
- Outcome of 87th AGM dated 08.08.2023
- Details of pending litigations
- Appointment of Head- Engineering & Utilities
- Outcome of Board Meeting for the qtr ended 30-09-2023
- Postal Ballot Notice dated 27.09.2023
- Scrutinizer’s Report- Postal Ballot Notice dated 27.09.2023
- Outcome of Board Meeting for the qtr ended 31-12-2023
- Re-appointment of Independent Director, subject to shareholder’s approval
Postal ballot Notice – Reappointment of Independent Director
- PB Notice dated 27.04.2022
- Outcome of BM for qtr ended 31.03.2022 (29.05.2022)
- Share Transfer to IEPF – NOTICE (24.06.22)
- Outcome of Board Meeting for qtr Ended 30-06-2022
- Summary of Annual General Meeting dated 10.08.2022
- Credit Rating
- Outcome of Board Meeting for qtr Ended 30-09-2022
- Outcome of Board Meeting for the qtr ended 31-12-2022
- Appointment/Cessation of Managing Director
- Publication of notice of share tansfer to iepf (26.06.2021)
- Outcome of BM qtr ended 30.03.2021 (28.06.2021)
- Publication of Notice of AGM (31.07.2021)
- Outcome of BM qtr ended 30.06.2021 (13.08.2021)
- Proceedings of 85th AGM (27.08.2021)
- Outcome of BM qtr ended 30.09.2021 (03.11.2021)
- PB Notice to shareholders 08.10.2021
- Appointment of CEO (14.01.2022)
- Outcome of BM qtr ended 31.12.2021 (14.02.2022)
- Update on Amlai paper plant (17.04.2020)
- Update on Amlai paper plant (22.04.2020)
- Update on Amlai paper plant (23.03.2020)
- Outcome of BM for qtr ended 31.03.2020 (26.06.2020)
- Notice for share transfer to IEPF (09.08.2020)
- Impact Assesment for COVID (10.08.2020)
- Outcome of BM qtr ended 30.06.2020 (17.08.2020)
- Proceedings of 84th AGM (28.08.2020)
- Credit rating (09.09.2020)
- Outcome of BM qtr ended 30.09.2020 (11.11.2020)
- Outcome of BM qtr ended 31.12.2020 (11.02.2021)
- Credit rating (17.02.2021)
- Outcome of BM for qtr ended 31.03.2019 (02.05.2019)
- Proceedings of 83rd AGM (20.07.2019)
- Change in status of Directorship of Michale Bastian (27.07.2019)
- Outcome of Original BM for qtr ended 30.06.2019 (01.08.2019)
- Outcome of Rescheduled BM for qtr ended 30.06.2019 (13.08.2019)
- Outcome of BM for qtr ended 30.09.2019 (13.11.2019)
- Chnage in name of RTA (09.12.2019)
- Cessation of Directorship of N.S. Sisodia (14.01.2020)
- Outcome of BM for qtr ended 31.12.2019 (27.01.2020)
- Intimation for shut down of Paper plant (11.03.2020)
- Intimation for shut down of Paper plant (23.03.2020)
- Outcome of BM for qtr ended 31.03.2018 (02.05.2018)
- Outcome of BM for qtr ended 30.06.2018 (01.08.2018)
- Proceedings of 82nd AGM (13.07.2018)
- Outcome of BM for qtr ended 30.09.2018 (31.10.2018)
- Outcome of BM for qtr ended 31.12.2018 (23.01.2019)
- Resignation by Amitab Ghosh (01.02.2019)
- Intimation for Chnage in RTA (06.03.2019)
- Outcome of BM 25.03.2019
- Appointment of S. viswanathan (25.03.2019)
- Outcome of BM dated 17.04.2017
- Outcome of Bm for qtr ended 31.03.2017 (16.05.2017)
- Notice for meeting of Creditors ordered by NCLT(24.05.2017)
- Notice for meeting of Unsecured Creditors ordered by NCLT
- Proceedings of meeting of shareholders and creditors (30.06.2017)
- Notice of AGM dated 12.07.2017
- Outcome of BM for qtr ended 30.06.2017 (01.08.2017)
- Proceedings of 81st AGM(10.08.2017)
- Postal ballot notice dated 14.08.2017
- Intimatition for date of hearing for approval of scheme (30.08.2017)
- Outcome of Bm for qtr ended 30.09.2017 (01.11.2017)
- NCLT order sanctioning Scheme of Arrangement (11.11.2017)
- Approval of Scheme of Arrangement by NCLT Kolkata Bench
- Outcome of BM dated 19.12.2017
- Record date as per Scheme of arrangement (01.01.2018)
- Outcome of Bm for qtr ended 31.12.2017 (01.02.2018)
- Resignation by BK Jhawar 01.02.2018